Moru's Crafts

Everyone’s doing it!


I keep seeing people on pinterest post things about wrapping headphones with embroidery thread, and so I tried it! I think the best thing about this is that if you get tired of the color… you can just snip off the thread, and do it with a different color. I’m so indecisive and fickle that this completely works for me. I loved this craft, and I hope you do too!


  • embroidery thread/yarn/crochet thread. Any kind of string works.
  • headphones!
  • hot glue gun
  • time.

All right. To get started, I cut a piece of thread that was 4 times the length of one of the sections of the headphones. Then, using that string, I cut two more just like it.

Tie a knot around your headphones, and start wrapping. You could also use the Chinese Staircase technique to make this. This method takes a lot longer. I tried that at the beginning , but I got bored with it fairly quickly. It was taking too long. I can’t just sit and knot a bunch of thread all day unless there is some amazing television on.

I even got bored of just wrapping, so I crocheted part of it on there.


That was fun. I just tied a single piece of yarn around the headphone, created a slip knot, and then started making my single crochets around the headphone wire. I used a D crochet hook, and I like the size that mine came out. This is really about your own creative attitude.

Mine is a little kooky at the moment (probably due to a lack of sleep).


When I was done wrapping and crocheting and knotting, I took a hot glue gun and went over some of the fraying edges of my various mediums. I put a little dab here, a little dab there, and got rid of any of the threads sticking up. Now, I have one complete pair of headphones that won’t tangle!


Can’t wait to share my next project with you guys!

(meep! Better get on my mother’s belated!birthday gift. I think she might fly here just to force me to make it soon. It’s coming mom! I promise!)