Moru's Crafts

Inspirational Monday

Free inspirational patterns from

I’m a nerd at heart. I adore everything that has to do with science fiction, fantasy, and space. I am making it a goal to incorporate that into my knitting and crocheting — as you can see by my mother’s purse and master shake plush.

I often search the tag “Nerd” or “Sci-fi” or anything relating to a specific show, movie, or book when looking for patterns to save and try on Ravelry. If you are a fiber artist and don’t have an account on ravelry, I definitely recommend it. I have found some amazing patterns, and a lot of them are available for free.

Here is a list of what I’ve found in the last week on Ravelry! I think all of these are going to be knitting patterns, but I will post some good crochet patterns here later. The best news about this post, is that all of the ones I’m sharing are free patterns! You just need a ravelry account for downloads. Click on the picture to go to the pattern on Ravelry.

R2D2 child’s Beanie

Doctor Who Tardis iPod cozy

Batman Logo chart

Star Trek Potholders(Cant wait to make myself some of these….)

Marvin the Paranoid Android

Cunning Jayne hat

Live Long and Keep Warm

If you’re looking for nerdy patterns for a friend, or for yourself, there are definitely a wealth of them everywhere you look. You just have to know what to search for.

Returnation, and knitting.

Back with a bang!

It has been a very hectic few months for me over here in the sun-drenched state of Texas. I’ve been writing and reading and working my tail off trying to make enough money for all of my expenses — and still have some left over to take my dog to numerous vet visits (He had some food issues and allergies, but he’s doing much better now, by the way).

In my absence I have had so many good ideas for crafts… and I haven’t had any time to post them, so I’m hoping to make that up to everyone today!

A friend of mine recently decided to take up knitting. I will admit that even though it was the first fiber art that I learned, I’ve never been a fan of knitting. I thought it was hard, tedious and boring. When I learned to crochet, I realized that I adore fiber arts of all kinds. This time, I wanted to learn to knit for real. Before I didn’t even really know how to knit anything. The other day I watched some youtube videos and learned to knit in the round…

I felt like if I could learn to do that, I could learn to do anything in knitting. I learned so much in just a few short hours yesterday that my brain nearly exploded with how awesome it was.

For instance, I knitted this little guy, just yesterday. I used a pattern that I found on Ravelry.

The pattern can be found here if anyone is interested in using it. Jenna Krupar has some great knit patterns for softies.

For this little guy, I used my circular needles and red heart yarn in dark orchid, aran, and a little bit of carrot for the beak. I used two amigurumi eyes and a small nickel-sized piece of felt to put behind them. The instructions for this pattern were very easy to follow, and I’m glad I found it. It was a great first project.

Almost done with the body
Before the Kitchner bind off.I hope everyone is having a week, and expect to hear more from me soon!