Moru's Crafts

Inspirational Monday

Free inspirational patterns from

I’m a nerd at heart. I adore everything that has to do with science fiction, fantasy, and space. I am making it a goal to incorporate that into my knitting and crocheting — as you can see by my mother’s purse and master shake plush.

I often search the tag “Nerd” or “Sci-fi” or anything relating to a specific show, movie, or book when looking for patterns to save and try on Ravelry. If you are a fiber artist and don’t have an account on ravelry, I definitely recommend it. I have found some amazing patterns, and a lot of them are available for free.

Here is a list of what I’ve found in the last week on Ravelry! I think all of these are going to be knitting patterns, but I will post some good crochet patterns here later. The best news about this post, is that all of the ones I’m sharing are free patterns! You just need a ravelry account for downloads. Click on the picture to go to the pattern on Ravelry.

R2D2 child’s Beanie

Doctor Who Tardis iPod cozy

Batman Logo chart

Star Trek Potholders(Cant wait to make myself some of these….)

Marvin the Paranoid Android

Cunning Jayne hat

Live Long and Keep Warm

If you’re looking for nerdy patterns for a friend, or for yourself, there are definitely a wealth of them everywhere you look. You just have to know what to search for.

Amigurumi, Inspiration, and Rain, oh my!
March 19, 2012, 5:38 pm
Filed under: Crafts, Personal | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Amigurumi is probably my favorite of all the crochet crafts. To me it is the most satisfying, because each ami works up very quickly. I recently made a crocheted mustache using the pattern found here He loved the present, and now I have a hundred people asking me if I can make one for them, too.

It’s the most fun, because almost anything you can imagine can become an amigurimi doll. I have seen whole blogs dedicated to amigurumi of all types. One for “nerdy” Amis, one for food Amis and it doesnt stop there. There are dozens of great amigurumi blogs out there. Including one called free amigurumi patterns, which is just what it sounds like.

Most recently, I made a small whale using a pattern I found here. My mother will be happy to receive this along with a small crocheted pot of petunias. I would have been better if I had learned how to crochet before last march, since it was my mother’s Douglas Adams themed 42nd birthday, but it’s better late than never :)

I am now working on another amigurumi. I am making master shake. He’s nothing to look at, yet, but soon I’ll post pictures (at the moment he is a 3 round circle. Not much to look at). I got the idea from the Nerdigurumi site. I’ve been looking there a lot lately. It has given me some great inspiration.

This year, I’m pretty sure that I’m going to make amigurumi presents for everyone for Christmas and the various holidays. I have already been scoping out the market on what kind of patterns to use for my family specifically. I have some ideas so far, but nothing solid.

I think one of the most important things to know about amigurumi is that cotton yarn is better than acrylic, and invest in some Amigurumi eyes. They come pretty cheap for a lot of them, and they look much better than hand-stitched eyes. I like french knots… but only to a certain extent. I highly recommend getting the eyes.

Crocheted Petunias

Oh! I finished the purse, and took pictures of it, finally. I got the original pattern from April Draven’s Blog. She has a bunch of cool crochet patterns and charts to crochet. Mine varies very slightly, because I wanted mine to say something else. Plus I didn’t use her exact tardis. My mother has been waiting… so patiently for this purse. I’m surprised she hasn’t flown to Texas just to get it from me.


It has been raining for about an hour. There are thunderstorm warnings, and it was hailing a few minutes ago. The dogs are not too happy about it. They’ve taken to either panting and shivering, or just laying there… pretending not to care that there is a big scary monster outside. I keep getting stared at while I try to browse pinterest.


Yarn scrap bracelet
March 18, 2012, 1:41 pm
Filed under: Crafts, Crochet patterns | Tags: , , ,

I have been crocheting like a madwoman in the past few days. I’m very close to finishing my mother’s purse. So close. I just have to finish the edging and the inside pocket. This is much more work than I thought it would be, but it is worth it. I have to start on another present for my mom’s friend. Amigurumi Master Shake. I even got the pipe cleaner for the straw part.

Actually what. Am sharing with you today is a crochet pattern for a bracelet using yarn scraps. I had a very small amount of a very pretty yarn left. It is the same yarn from my slouch hat pictures. I wanted to find a way to use the rest of the yarn, so I made myself a bracelet to wear on st. Patty’s day.


For the first bracelet:
Foundation single crochet enough to fit comfortably around your wrist, fasten off.

Chain enough to fit around your wrist, turn and slip stitche into the second chain from the hook. Sl st into the next chain. Chain 3 and sl st into the first on the chain, *slip stitch into the next three chains, ch 3 and sl st into the first chain. Repeat to the end.
(if you want, turn and do it again on the other side of the starting chain, alternating where the picots are. ) fasten off

Chain enough to fit your wrist. Sl st into each chain, turn and sl st into the other side of the starting chain. Fasten off.

In an alternating color, chain enough to fit your wrist, fasten off.

Now, we’re going to join those four bracelets and hide the ties with a centerpiece.


The centerpiece will be the same color as the plain chain bracelet you made last.

Chain enough to wrap around all four bracelet strands four or five times.
Sc in each chain, ch 1 and sc on the other side of the starting chain.

To assemble:

Tie each of the ends of your bracelets together, and wrap the centerpiece around the bracelet. Use a yarn needle to see it in place, hiding all of the other bracelet ties. Weave in ends!


Wear your new creation with pride! :)