Moru's Crafts

Sculpey, My Love.
March 29, 2012, 11:50 am
Filed under: Crafts | Tags: , , , , , ,

So I’m still working a lot with Sculpey. I have been doing a lot of art by hand recently. I really like it. I like making things with my hands. I crochet, I sew, I now make things with clay. It’s all really fun. I was just thinking how my roots in art used to be just on the computer. I put together forum layouts for forums that I run. I’m actually about to set up a new forum in a few weeks called “tl;dr” (too long; didn’t read) and it’s going to be a general discussion forum (of course with a section about art!) in which each post is the size of a tweet. I’m really excited about it. I think it’s going to be a really awesome challenge. I am long-winded most of the time, but I’m looking forward to being able to read topics and reply in a short amount of time.

Here is a screen shot of the latest forum layout I did. It’s for Invisionfree.


 Anyway. I have been doing this for years. I know HTML and CSS by the back of my hand. I also know a little bit about javaScript, but I’m still a beginner with that. It’sgoing to take me longer to learn that, I think…just because of the amount I have to learn.

The real point of my post was to share the little things I have made with Sculpey in the last couple days.


This is the biggest Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro. >> He’s not very well done, he was my first totoro.


These two Totoros are a little better. The Blue one is going to be a present for someone.


This is a Dinosaur, a Bob Omb from Mario, and a random little bird.


Last but not least, bows! So many bows. :D I like the purple one the best. It’s adorable. I’m going to get some glue that will hold it to a hair clip… because I want to wear it so bad!

I am sure that there will be more posts about Sculpey, but this is all I have made so far. Hope you enjoy!