Moru's Crafts

Inspire-Me Mondays
March 5, 2012, 7:10 pm
Filed under: Personal | Tags: , , ,

Hello fellow crafters! Mondays are a generally uninspiring day all around. Many people, for the first time of the week have to put on their big girl pants and leave the house. Work puts a downer on my creativity most of the time. Today, I was called in early (8:30 is early for me, okay…) to clean a little extra. For those that don’t know, I work in a restaurant. So instead of sitting on my balcony with a nice cup of hot tea, I was scrubbing the edges of tables with degreaser.

What was worse, really was that I kept looking out the windows and longing to be outside. It was so pretty outside… so gorgeous.


At least I didn’t have to stay for very long. Mondays are usually slow… and the benefit of coming in first means I get to leave first. Score!

So after my uninspiring morning, I decided to go to Goodwill to see what I could find to occupy my afternoon with! I hit the jackpot! I found a lot of stuff, all for $12. The other $8 I brought with me was spent on Subway (shhh!).



I think my first Mod Podge project went really well, so I’m eager to try another one one this mirror! Fabric around the outside? I think yes. I’ll post a step-by-step whenever that happens. Not sure yet. The other stuff, I don’t know what I’m going to do with it, but I think it will be a lot of fun finding out! If you have any ideas for me, let me know! I’d love to try a few projects that you all want to see!

If you’re looking for inspiration on a drab kind of day, go to the thrift store and find something to re-purpose!